We want you to have the best experience possible with your dental implants. Follow these steps following your surgery:

  • Do not disturb implant site: It is imperative that you let your bone heal properly around the implant. After you break a bone in your leg, your doctor is going to ask you to keep weight off of the bone while it is healing for a time period. Implants are no different. We are relying on bone healing to secure the implant. The most critical time to keep the site undisturbed is the first 24 to 48 hours. This means no spitting or vigorous rinsing for the first 48 hours after surgery. For the best chances at success we recommend no biting forces on the implant site for four to five months for optimal results.
  • Bleeding: Minor bleeding can be expected following surgery for up to 24 hours. If you experience more moderate or excessive bleeding, bite on gauze for 30-40 minutes. If bleeding does not stop with pressure, please call our office.
  • Pain Control: As soon as possible after you leave our office, you should start your pain medication regiment. Ibuprofen and Tylenol should be used to manage mild to moderate pain. If pain is severe, please follow the prescribed pain medication plan. Do not operate heavy machinery and avoid alcohol while taking prescription pain medication.
  • Antibiotics: If prescribed antibiotics, take antibiotics until completed.
  • Swelling: Some swelling can be expected. Any swelling can be kept to a minimum with application of ice over the cheek, 15 minutes on and 15 minutes off for the first few days following surgery.
  • Eating: Avoid eating and applying biting forces on the implant sites. Try to chew with the opposite side of the mouth. Do not eat anything too hot or cold. Avoid spicy foods as they can interfere with healing. Avoid straws for the first 10 days following implant surgery.
  • Rinsing: You may begin rinsing the day after surgery with the prescribed mouth rinse twice a day. All rinses should be done for 30 seconds in a very gentle, non-vigorous manner. For optimal healing, we recommend supplementing the antimicrobial rinse with salt water rinses four to five times per day.

If there are any additional questions about your implants please give our office a call at (801) 571-6688. Our dentist, Dr. Chase Judd is a dental professional in Draper, Utah, with the skills needed to help you create a better smile.